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Domestic workers

Domestic workers in Bangalore face various challenges, similar to others in different places. While their experiences may differ, common problems exist. These include low pay and job insecurity, often because they don't have formal work contracts. The nature of their job means they work long hours without enough breaks, leading to tiredness and health issues. Many don't have access to social security benefits like health insurance or pension, making them financially vulnerable.

Additionally, some face exploitative working conditions with verbal or physical abuse, often unreported due to fears of losing their jobs. Limited access to education and training holds back their professional growth. Inadequate legal protections make it hard for them to address issues like unfair treatment or unpaid wages. The undervaluation of their work leads to discrimination and a lack of respect at work and beyond.

Many domestic workers lack collective bargaining power as they work in individual households, making it difficult to improve their working conditions. Transportation problems, relying on irregular or unsafe public transport, add to their challenges. Language barriers, especially for migrant workers, make it hard to communicate with employers. Overall, the varied challenges highlight the need for fair measures to improve the well-being and rights of domestic workers.

Summary of key issues in accessing schemes

Key issues in Accessing Schemes: No Dedicated Department or Scheme: Domestic workers face a ma...

Lega provision of social security

Budgetary support

State and/or central government share in funding

Applicable entitlements

The Karnataka State Unorganized Workers Social Security Board is enrolling domestic workers and...

Ambedkar Labor Help Hand Scheme

What is Ambedkar Labor Help Hand Scheme? The Karnataka State Government currently recognises wor...

Various schemes on CSOs collaborating with Domestic workers

In Bangalore, two Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), namely Mitr Sanketa and the Foundation for ...

Scheme 1.1- Pension (Old age)

What is old age pension? The scheme "Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS)" ...

Scheme 1.2- Pension (Widow pension)

What is widow pension? The scheme "Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS)" is on...

Scheme 1.3- Pension (Disability pension)

  What is disability pension? Individuals with disabilities, known as Divyangjan, are eligibl...

Scheme 2: Thayi Bhagya Scheme

What is Thayi Bhagya Scheme? The Karnataka Thayi Bhagya Scheme, specifically targets pregnan...

Scheme 3: Bhagyalaxmi Scheme

What is Bhagyalaxmi scheme for girl child? The Karnataka state government will give female c...

Scheme 4: Sandhya Suraksha Yojana

What is Sandhya Suraksha Yojana? The Karnataka state government has initiated the Sandhya Su...

Scheme 5: Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana

What is Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana scheme? The Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Y...

Scheme 6: Ayushman Bharath-Arogya Karnataka/ Pradhana Manthri Jan Arogya Yojana

What is Arogya Karnataka scheme? The aim of the initiative is to expand 'Universal Health Cove...