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Details about collaborators

CollaboratorsAdvocating for Workers' Rights and Well-being of which worker?
Mitr-SanketaSupporting rights of women domestic workers.
SamparkSupporting migrant construction workers.
CIVIDEP IndiaCarries out research on working conditions of garment workers and the effects of corporate conduct across India's export industries.
Hasiru DalaSupporting waste pickers and other waste workers to ensure a life with dignity.
SangamaPromotes discourse on sexual identity, orientation, and gender identity while advocating for human rights, sexual rights, gender equality, and social justice.
FEDINALabor rights organization with a focus on the intersectionality of caste, gender, and class. It uses a rights-based approach to empower communities, primarily targeting workers, including retirees, to unite, assert their dignity, demand their rights, and address violations.
Jan SahasStrives to eradicate sexual violence and forced labor, prioritizing the most marginalized groups through a holistic approach: Prevention, Response, Rehabilitation, and Systemic Reform
Centre for Advocacy and ResearchWorking for the rights of marginal communities living in urban slums