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Summary of key issues in accessing schemes (In process)

Card/ entitlements

What should be

What is (in process)

Identity card


-        Registered with EPFO/ESI; very low minimum wage



-        8 hours shift, unpaid overtime work to fix ‘mistakes’ & meet production targets



-        Minimum pay not revised in more than a decade; after 10-15 years of work-ex, workers make Rs 10,000 per month

Caste profile


-        Mainly OBCs; very few SC/ST



-        No unions inside the factories; time poverty for unionisation.



-        Workers don’t get leave to visit ESI hospital (limited benefit)

PF/ Gratuity


-        Workers leave or shift b/w companies to withdraw gratuity/ PF



-        Policy only on paper

Casual leaves


-        Get a weekly off, not allowed to avail casual leaves

Vulnerable targets


-        Pregnant women pressurised to resign



-        Usually not in a slum, rent ~ 50% of earnings

-        Worker hostels where provided are heavily monitored.

Children’s education


-        Aspire to send kids to affordable private schools (women are educated till 10th std and see pvt school edu as an escape route for kids).

Homes based work


-        Piece rate work is picking up now, sheds set up closer to homes of workers