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Summary of key issues in accessing schemes (In process)

Card/ entitlements

What should be

What is (in process)

Identity card


Registered with EPFO/ESI; very low minimum wage



8 hours shift, unpaid overtime work to fix ‘mistakes’ & meet production targets



Minimum pay not revised in more than a decade; after 10-15 years of work-ex, workers make Rs 10,000 per month

Caste profile


Mainly OBCs; very few SC/ST



No unions inside the factories; time poverty for unionisation.



Workers don’t get leave to visit ESI hospital (limited benefit)

PF/ Gratuity


Workers leave or shift b/w companies to withdraw gratuity/ PF



Policy only on paper

Casual leaves


Get a weekly off, not allowed to avail casual leaves

Vulnerable targets


Pregnant women pressurised to resign



Usually not in a slum, rent ~ 50% of earnings

Worker hostels where provided are heavily monitored.

Children’s education


Aspire to send kids to affordable private schools (women are educated till 10th std and see pvt school edu as an escape route for kids).

Homes based work


 Piece rate work is picking up now, sheds set up closer to homes of workers