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BoCW labour Card

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What is BoCW labor card?

A BoCW labor card is an official identification card issued to construction workers who are eligible under the BoCW Act.

Why is the possession of a labor card from BoCW mandatory for construction workers?

In Karnataka, Possession of a labor card from the Building and Other Construction Workers (BoCW) is mandatory for construction workers for several key reasons:


Amount (Rs.)


Applies to

Contribution by worker (Rs.)

Time specified (days)

Time taken (days)

Fee specified (Rs.)

Money spent (Rs.)

Timeline for submission




BoCW Worker






After 90 days of work in B&C

Critical Factors to Keep in Mind Prior to Applying for a Labor Card


What is the amount of Labour card pension in Karnataka?

The amount of pension shall not exceed a sum of Rs. 3000/- per month (Govt of Karnataka Notification No. LD 458 LET 2021 Bangalore Dated: 08-08-2022.)

Why do construction workers often fail to receive the benefits they are entitled to from various schemes?

Potential factors leading to exclusion from the benefits of schemes under BoCW at different phases

Lack of awareness-

Lack of resources-

Eligibility conditions-


Aadhar seeding-

Registration process-

Annual Renewal-

Tech/ website related-