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Step 2.5 Marriage Assistance

Marriage Assistance scheme.webp

What is Marriage Assistance scheme?

Marriage Assistance Scheme designed to offer financial aid to registered construction workers, assisting them in managing the wedding expenses for two dependent children. The scheme provides this support through a grant, subject to specific conditions, including a prerequisite of at least one year between the worker's registration date and the date of their son's or daughter's marriage for which assistance is being sought.

The primary goal of this program is to alleviate the financial stress often associated with wedding ceremonies for registered construction workers and their families, ultimately contributing to their well-being and overall welfare. When a registered construction worker submits an application, the Secretary or another authorized individual from the Board will grant financial assistance amounting to Rs.60,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only), with the intention of easing the financial burden related to weddings for eligible construction workers and their families.