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Step 2.3 Accident Benefits

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What is accident benefits under BoCW?

The Accident Benefit is a component of the welfare provisions for construction workers in Karnataka, India, aimed at providing financial assistance to registered construction workers who experience unforeseen and sudden events leading to death or permanent, total, or partial disablement.

  1. When a registered construction worker experiences an accident during their employment, the employer is obliged to provide compensation as per the Employee's Compensation Act, 1923.

  2. The Secretary or an authorized representative may grant compensation as follows: 50% in a Fixed Deposit in a National Bank and 50% through an account payee cheque or Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).

  3. The compensation amounts are as follows:

    1. Rs. 5 Lakh for the deceased beneficiary or the first living nominee in the event of death,

    2. Rs. 2 Lakh for permanent total disablement, and

    3. Rs. 1 Lakh for permanent partial disablement, proportionate to the degree of disablement as defined by the Employee's Compensation Act, 1923.

What are the eligibility criteria for accessing benefits from accident benefit scheme?

Every registered construction worker who meets with an accident during the course of employment shall be compensated by the employer under the provisions of Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923 along with a compensation of Rs. 2 lakhs from the Board.

If the accident occurs outside the course of his or her employment, assistance under this Rule shall be given by the Board excluding the following cases.

  1. Natural Death
  2. payment of compensation in Respect of Death or injury as a consequence of resulting from-
    1. Committing or attempting suicide, Intentional self-injury;
    2. whilst under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs;
    3. Committing any breach of law with the criminal intent;
    4. Pregnancy during childbirth, miscarriage, abortion or complication arising there from;
    5. curative treatments or interventions;
    6. venereal or sexually transmitted diseases;
    7. HIV or related illness;
    8. Any attempted crime on the body

What type of documents required for application?

  1. Photocopy of ID card attested by gazette officer
  2. Photocopy of bank passbook Beneficiary or Nominee's in case of beneficiary’s death
  3. Beneficiary/original Identity card, Issued by the board.
  4. Respective application shall be made in Form XXI or XXI-B
  5. Death Certificate (in case of death due to accident)
  6. Postmortem report
  7. Any Photo ID proof of Nominee 
  8. FIR copy
  9. Medical report
  10. Employer Certificate
  11. Form XXI-A (This document has to be filled by the employer and uploaded)
  12. Application shall be submitted within one year of accident
  13. Subscription certificate by SLI/LI

Key aspects related to Accident benefit schemes.


Amount (Rs.)


Applies to

Contribution by worker (Rs.)

Time specified (days)

Time taken (days)

Fee specified (Rs.)

Money spent (Rs.)

Timeline for submission

Accident benefits

5 lakh

2 lakh

1 lakh

One-time Nominee/ Worker           Within 1 year of accident